Till Hagele
Plantes turbo ; des solutions spectaculaires pour vos jardins, balcons et terrasses
Till Hagele
- Delachaux & Niestlé
- 8 Février 2018
- 9782603025826
Dans un jardin ou sur un balcon, certaines zones sont parfois difficiles à mettre en valeur : un espace en friche, un vieux mur, un coin à l'ombre pas très engageant... Pas de problème, les plantes turbo sont là pour ça : elles poussent très vite et font un effet boeuf !
L'auteur a répertorié les cinq problématiques les plus fréquemment rencontrées dans les jardins, balcons et terrasses : façades, murs et zones en friche ; parties disgracieuses à cacher ; zones d'ombre ; espace spécifique à mettre en valeur ; sols pauvres.
Environ 70 plantes ont été sélectionnées pour leurs effets spectaculaires dans ces zones délicates : croissance, constitution, solidité, facilité d'entretien, résistance au froid et aux intempéries, adaptation à des sols difficiles... Si certaines d'entre elles sont renommées depuis longtemps pour leurs qualités, l'auteur a voulu en proposer d'autres moins connues afin d'apporter de la diversité dans ses solutions.
Des avis pratiques complètent ce panorama : conseil d'achats, préparation de la terre, plantation, fertilisation, taille. Tout pour embellir de manière spectaculaire les zones les plus réfractaires de votre jardin, de votre balcon ou terrasse !
Des plantes qui pousseront rapidement, dans les espaces les plus difficiles.
Tous les conseils et astuces pour végétaliser jardins, balcons et terrasses.
Des fiches pratiques décrivant des plantes turbo.
A brand-new addition to the Floramour series is Floramour: Lilies. In this outstanding book of photographs, the author Till Hägele presents the varied beauty of this ornamental flower in an unprecedented way. For centuries, the lily has been cultivated in the most diverse cultures. Today, therefore, it appears in an almost unsurpassed splendor of color and diversity of species. Throughout cultural history, the wonderful lily has not only exerted an optical fascination on people; since time immemorial it has also been an integral part of festivals and religious customs as a floral symbol. In ancient Greece, for example, it was the flower of Hera, the companion of the goddess of the gods, and in Hinduism it also occupies a central place in the world of the gods. In Christianity it stands for the purity and virginity of Mary and is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus. This beautifully designed coffee-table book Floramour: Lilies contains unique photographs as well as sketches and a lot of background knowledge about this aesthetic beauty of nature. Floramour: Lilies is a special gift for all flower lovers. Anyone who has always wanted to know everything about their favorite flower is well placed with this comprehensive book from the Floramour series. Whether as personal inspiration or simply for your own enjoyment, anyone who loves lilies simply must own this coffee-table book.
A brand-new addition to the Floramour series is Floramour: Lilies. In this outstanding book of photographs, the author Till Hägele presents the varied beauty of this ornamental flower in an unprecedented way. For centuries, the lily has been cultivated in the most diverse cultures. Today, therefore, it appears in an almost unsurpassed splendor of color and diversity of species. Throughout cultural history, the wonderful lily has not only exerted an optical fascination on people; since time immemorial it has also been an integral part of festivals and religious customs as a floral symbol. In ancient Greece, for example, it was the flower of Hera, the companion of the goddess of the gods, and in Hinduism it also occupies a central place in the world of the gods. In Christianity it stands for the purity and virginity of Mary and is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus. This beautifully designed coffee-table book Floramour: Lilies contains unique photographs as well as sketches and a lot of background knowledge about this aesthetic beauty of nature. Floramour: Lilies is a special gift for all flower lovers. Anyone who has always wanted to know everything about their favorite flower is well placed with this comprehensive book from the Floramour series. Whether as personal inspiration or simply for your own enjoyment, anyone who loves lilies simply must own this coffee-table book.